Using powder glue to make a heat decal. This powder glue can be sprinkled or printed. Used to make a sheet for printing heat decal and heat pressing to make the pattern stick on the material such as nylon, polyester, leather, fabric
- Screen printing Mix glue powder with water based ink of the bider. Or oil-based ink of the medium to mix about 30%, then should be mixed well before printing, use a fabric mold number 27 mz / cm or 70 mz / inch, screen printing glue on every pattern. Then dry at room temperature or put in the oven at approximately 60° C, but must see that this temperature does not cause problems for the decal material and printing ink, because the glue can withstand temperatures up to 150° C
- Print the ink according to the finished pattern. Sprinkle some glue on the powder while the ink is not dry. This will make the adhesion very good.